Конференция в Тарту. 2013

Автор melkon Октябрь 7, 2013 00:00

Конференция в Тарту. 2013

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Конференция в Тарту

В Тарту прошла международная конференция. Обычно Тарту ассоциируется с Тартусским университетом и Тартусской мирной конференцией 1920 года, которая принесла мир народам Эстонии и Финляндии и положила начало процессу признания независимости Латвии, Литвы и Эстонии.

На этот раз отличился Балтийский колледж обороны, в котором 3-4 октября прошла уже ставшая традиционной 5-я ежегодная конференция по балтийской военной истории. Докладчиками стали предтавители многих стран. Как всегда возниками интересные дискуссии и обсуждение докладов.

Конференция в первый день проходила в двух секциях, затем 4 октября все собрались в одном зале. Вечером 3 октября прошла встреча в кафе «Атлантик», где можно было в неформальной обстановке побеседовать с участниками конференции и преподавателями колледжа. В целом доклады на конференции касались всего спектра периодики богатой балтийской истории от Ливонских войн до Первой и Второй мировых войн.

Юрий Мелконов
Фото автора


3-4 October 2013


1. Dr Kari Alenius — University of Oulu, Finland
2. Dr Eriks Jekabsons — University of Latvia Riga
3. Mr Piotr Wawrzeniuk — National Defence College & Södertörn University, Stockholm
4. Mr Karlis Dambitis — Latvian War Museum
5. Dr Richard P. Hallion — Former Chief of USAF History, Virginia
6. Dr Alexander Filjushkin — St Petersburg University
7. Mr Dmitriy I. Veber — St Petersburg University
8. Ms Ksenia Jarikova — St Petersburg University
9. Mr Pavel Tolmachev – St Petersburg University
10. Ms Tiina Metso — Aalto University Student Union
11. Mr Ciro Paoletti — Italian Commission of Military History
12. Mr Arto Oll — Estonian Maritime Museum
13. Dr Fredrik Eriksson — National Defence College Stockholm
14. LTC Valerijus Šerelis — Lithuanian Military Academy
15. Dr Eric A. Sibul — Baltic Defence College
16. Mr Enrico Magnani – UN
17. BG (ret.) Michael Clemmesen — Danish National Defence Academy
18. Dr J. D. Avenel — Université de Paris Est Créteil
19. Dr James Corum — Baltic Defence College
20. Ms Liisi Eglit — University of Tartu and Stanford University Library
21. Dr Olaf Mertelsmann — University of Tartu
22. MAJ Gintautas Jakštys — Lithuanian Military Academy
23. Dr Russell Hart — Hawai’i Pacific University
24. Mr Valdis Kuzmins — Latvian War Museum
25. MAJ A. M. Del Gaudio – USMC
26. Dr Tomasz Kobzdej — Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Estonia

3 October
0830-0900 Registration and coffee
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, in front of Main Hall/
0900-0930 Opening the Conference by Dr. James Corum
BALTDEFCOL Dean and Conference Organizer
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, Main Hall/
Session 1
Panel: Independence Wars
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/
 Ingrians in the Estonian War of Independence: Between
Estonia, Russia and Finland — Dr Kari Alenius
 The Forgotten and Largest Battle in Baltic Region 1918-1920:
Daugavpils, September 1919 — Dr Eriks Jekabsons
Panel: Interwar Period
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, Officers Club Room, ENDC/
 Towards a common ground? Questions of history and race in
Finland, Estonia and Sweden in Polish military assessments in
1920s and 1930s — Mr Piotr Wawrzeniuk
 Future war and next war – what people expected: The
situation in Latvia in the 1930s – Mr Karlis Dambitis
 Strange Bedfellows: German-Soviet Aeronautical Cooperation,
1919-1933 — Dr Richard P. Hallion
1130-1135 Group photo
/Venue: Lobby, in front of flags/
1135-1230 Lunch
/Venue: canteen, Estonian National Defence College/
Session 2
Panel: Livonian War
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, Officers Club Room, ENDC/
 What was the role of Livonian War in the fortunes of Baltic
nations and states? — Dr Alexander Filjushkin
 The political and religious strategy of the Teutonic order at the
time of Livonian War — Mr Dmitriy I. Veber
 The Great Chancellor Jan Zamojsky and his role in the Livonian
war according to the works of Reinhold Heidenstein — Ms
Ksenia Jarikova
 The last round of the Livonian War from materials of Russian
ambassadorial books – Mr Pavel Tolmachev
Panel: Post World War I – Independence Wars
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/3
 German Baltic Volunteers in the Independence War – Ms Tiina
 A global view of the Baltic situation in Spring 1919 as seen
from Italy and by the Italian military mission in Germany – Mr
Ciro Paoletti
 The crews of the destroyers Lennuk and Wambola at the
beginning of the War of Independence – Mr Arto Oll
1400-1415 Coffee Break
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, in front of Main Hall/
Session 3
Panel: Interwar Period
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/
 Coping with a New Security Situation – Swedish Military
Attachés in the Baltic 1919–1939 — Dr Fredrik Eriksson
 Lithuanian Air Force Lieutenant Darius in Klaipeda 1923 — LTC
Valerijus Šerelis
 Relations Between the Estonian Armed Forces and the
Imperial Japanese Armed Forces 1918 -1940 — Dr Eric A. Sibul
Panel: Post World War I Foreign Intervention in the Baltics
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, Officers Club Room, ENDC/
 Multinational foreign forces in the Baltic region between the two wars –
Mr Enrico Magnani
 Cowan’s failed attempt to build an anti-Bolshevik alliance with
von der Goltz, April 1919 — BG (ret.) Michael Clemmesen
 The French Intervention in Baltic States during the First
Independence Wars — Dr J. D. Avenel
1630-1830 Tour of Tartu for those interested
/Venue:Town hall/
1900-2100 Conference Dinner for all paper presenters
/Venue: Restaurant Atlantis; dress code: Jacket, no tie/
Friday 4 October
Session 4
Panel: World War I
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/
 Maneuver War in the East, the German Advance into Latvia
Spring 1915 — Dr James Corum
 Estonian Soldiers’ Experiences of World War I as a research
subject on the eve of the Centennial: what have their stories
to offer? – Ms Liisi Eglit4
 The connection between Baltic statehood and submarine
warfare in World War I — Dr Olaf Mertelsmann
1045-1100 Coffee Break
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, in front of Main Hall/
Session 5
Panel: World War II
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/
 The Winter War in the Lithuanian Military Press in the Period
of 1939-1940 — MAJ Gintautas Jakštys
 Festung Kurland – The Defense of the Isolated Courland
Peninsula and German ‘End Stage’ Strategy, 1944-1945 — Dr
Russell Hart
 Warfare in Courland 1944/1945 – Mr Valdis Kuzmins
1230-1330 Lunch
/Venue: canteen, Estonian National Defence College/
Session 6
Panel: Post World War II and Analysis
/Venue: 12 Riia Str, room 301 Tactical Trainer, BALTDEFCOL/
 On the Utility of Baltic Terrain for the Study of War.
Implications for the future based on the past — MAJ A. M. Del
 The Baltic Region in the geopolitical concepts of Polish
nationalistic movements in the light of WWII — Dr Tomasz
1500-1530 Summary Panel Discussion

Автор melkon Октябрь 7, 2013 00:00